We Install Tankless Gas Water Heaters

Your morning alarm is going off, and you’re ready to hop in the shower, wake yourself up, and start your day.

But then you find yourself wasting precious moments with your hand under the running water…



Waiting… for the water to get hot, so you can finally shower and get the morning rolling.

Or maybe you’ve just ended your day and are ready to enjoy a nice, hot shower and wind down. Only your other family members got there first, and now you’re left with cold water until your water heater warms things up again.

It’s time to go tankless.

At Winston’s Chimney Services, we don’t just handle your chimney and fireplace needs… We install reliable tankless water heaters like the Navein NPE-A (Navien Premium Efficiency Advanced). Enjoy the comfort of a hot shower, no matter how many people in your household beat you to it.

What is a Tankless Water Heater?

Tankless water heaters, also known as ‘on-demand’ or ‘instantaneous’ water heating systems, are growing in popularity due to their high-efficiency levels and eco-friendly status – especially when compared to traditional storage tank water heaters. 

Tankless hot water systems only heat water as you need it, which means no water is being stored and continuously kept hot. This leads to reduced energy costs and improved efficiency in your home. 

Furthermore, tankless hot water systems don’t run out of hot water like conventional tanks do. Instead, they can provide a continuous supply of hot water (if sized correctly for your home). 

Lastly, tankless systems have a compact design, taking up about a quarter of the space that tank-style options do. This offers a lot more placement flexibility, allowing them to fit almost anywhere in your house or office space. With their many advantages compared to traditional storage tank models, there’s no doubt tankless hot water systems are the way to go!

Tankless water heater mounted to white wall with pipes coming out the bottom going into the wall.

We Install Navien NPE-A Systems – The Best Tankless Gas Water Heater Money Can Buy

Let’s break down why the Navien NPE-A tankless gas water heater is such a winner:

  • We already touched on this above, but the NPE-A is so energy efficient it makes old-fashioned tank systems look outdated. In fact, it’s Energy Star certified and has the highest energy efficiency rating in the industry.
  • The NPE-A is a serious space saver. Old-fashioned tank systems typically take up 5x the space of the NPE-A, which makes the NPE-A a great upgrade for condo air handlers with the big, outdated Apollo tank-style water heaters.
  • It’s longer lasting than those old tank heaters and is backed by an impressive warranty (15 years on heat exchangers).
  • It’s easy to use.
  • It ups the resale value of your home.

To sum up – it’s an advanced water heater with a built-in internal and external recirculation system that lasts longer, heats water faster, and has higher energy ratings than the competition. That’s hard to beat.

Oh, and did we mention that with add-on accessories, you can receive notifications and even change the temperature from your smartphone or tablet? Just one more way the Navien NPE-A makes your life just a little better.

Novent energy star tankless water heater with digital controls at the bottom.

Ready to schedule services? Book your appointment with us today.

What Are Pros & Cons of Tankless Water Heaters?

Like any appliance, tankless water heaters have both upsides and downsides. Here at Winston’s, we like you to have all the facts before making a new home investment, so we’ve highlighted the pros and cons of upgrading to a tankless water heater – both of which should be weighed before making any decisions.

What are the pros of tankless water heaters?

  • Improved Energy Efficiency: Unlike traditional tank models that heat and store large amounts of hot water continually, tankless models use higher-wattage burners to instantly heat only the amount of water being demanded. As a result, these units dramatically reduce energy consumption across households. This constant heating process is eliminated, so you can save money on energy bills – and create long-term sustainability for you and your family, while you’re at it.
  • On-Demand Hot Water: These units feature multiple heating elements that quickly heat cold water when needed. Not only does this significantly reduce energy costs compared to traditional storage-tank systems, it also minimizes all that inconvenience and frustration associated with running out of hot water – or waiting forever for your tank to heat things back up.
  • Longer Lifespan: Tankless water heaters can be a convenient and economical way of getting hot water, and with proper maintenance, they can last up to twice as long as a traditional hot water heater. That amounts to 25 to 30 years – plenty of time to recoup part of the upfront money.
  • Money Savings: Tankless gas water heaters, and the NPE-A in particular, are more energy efficient than other water heaters, which means lower energy/heating bills. One reason for this is that you’re not paying to heat water throughout the day and night. Your tankless gas water heater will fire up and give you hot water only when you need it.
  • Less Water Waste: Time isn’t the only thing a-wastin’ when you’re waiting for the water to heat up. Precious water is going right down the drain, along with your patience – and the money you’ll be shelling out for your water bill down the road. With a tankless gas water heater, hot water is on demand and ready when you are, so you don’t waste a thing.
  • Space Savings: Water heaters have a reputation for being big, unattractive space hogs, which is just one more way they can be wasteful. When space is limited, especially in condos and apartments where every square foot is precious, tankless water heaters can make a huge difference.
  • No Leaks: As water heaters age, the chances of experiencing a leak increase – and we’ve yet to meet someone who doesn’t worry about water damage in their home. A relaxing night can quickly turn into a real nightmare if you have a big water heater that suddenly bursts or leaks. With tankless, there’s no need to worry because water isn’t just sitting in a tank waiting for the perfect moment to wreck your home.
  • Endless Hot Water: Unlike a traditional tank water heater, a tankless system runs only when you turn on the hot water tap and can provide an unlimited amount of hot water. These systems are highly energy efficient because you’re only heating the water that you will actually use instead of wasting energy to maintain temperatures in stored tanks of hot water.  

What are the cons of tankless water heaters?

  • Requires Some Upgrading: A tankless water heater sometimes requires upgrading your plumbing and/or gas lines. The existing plumbing system must be modernized, so that a sufficient amount of fuel is brought in from the designated energy source. If this necessary upgrade is not made, it can affect the tankless water heater’s efficiency level and reduce its capacity for providing a steady flow of hot water. Additionally, without an updated gas line setup, there could be insufficient airflow for effective combustion, leading to dangerous levels of pollutants being released into the home environment.
  • Higher Up-Front Costs: Tankless water heaters are gaining in popularity for their energy efficiency and cost savings over time. However, these advanced water heaters come with an initial cost that may be more than traditional water heaters. Why? They typically require a larger investment into specialized components and parts that are not needed with traditional tank-style water heaters. That being said, the increased investment will pay off in the long run since these units have significantly lower running costs.
  • Can’t Always Meet Demand: Tankless heaters may not meet the hot water demands of larger households or during peak usage times. If you’re looking to run multiple sinks and appliances simultaneously, then you may need more technical equipment – which comes at an even higher expense. This is a big reason why trusting an expert, who can ensure you have the right size unit for your household, is such a must.
  • Hard Water Issues: In addition to the investment required for installation, many tankless water heaters have trouble operating properly in areas where hard water is common. Hard water affects not just the lifespan of a tankless water heater, but also its efficiency at heating your water.

Though there are definite advantages of going tankless, be sure to consider all potential downsides before committing. Overall, understanding how these systems work, and their associated costs, will be key to making the best decision for your home.

How Does A Tankless Gas Water Heater Work?

By now, it’s clear that tankless water heaters excel in terms of providing endless amounts of hot water – and ensuring you’re not waiting forever for this hot water, either. This makes these systems an excellent choice for countless households.

But how does this magic work exactly?

To put it simply, these systems use a heat exchanger to heat up the water as it passes through – only producing enough hot water for use, as needed. 

When you turn on a hot water tap, cold water flows into the tankless water heater through a pipe. The gas burner then ignites and heats the water flowing through a heat exchanger – a copper or stainless-steel coil that transfers heat from the burner to the water.

The heated water then flows out of the tankless water heater and to the hot water tap. Meanwhile, a thermostat inside the tankless water heater monitors the water temperature and regulates the gas burner’s intensity to maintain the desired water temperature.

Finally, when you turn off the hot water tap, the tankless water heater’s gas burner shuts off. There’s no pilot light to keep burning when the heater is not in use, which helps save energy.

How does the NPE-A model work?

  1. The hot water tap is opened and a flow sensor is activated to figure out just how much water needs to be heated up.
  2. The ignitor is activated, a gas control valve is opened, and a fan and venturi introduce just the right amount of gas.
  3. The premix burner fires up and cold water is preheated inside a secondary heat exchanger.
  4. That preheated water then moves from the secondary heat exchanger to the primary one.
  5. The flame is adjusted to ensure that the water leaving the water heater is the right temperature.
  6. That heated water heads to the buffer tank and the water then flows to the faucet where it’s needed.

Ok, so it’s not really magic… But it’ll sure feel like it if you’re used to a traditional water heater!

How Much Does a Tankless Water Heater Cost?

If you’re considering installing a tankless water heater, it’s important to factor in the installation cost. Tankless water heater installation requires an experienced venting professional and can be costly, depending on the size of the unit and the complexity of the job.

That said, we don’t like to give out any solid numbers right off the bat – not until we know everything about your unique needs and preferences. Typically, larger homes with multiple bathrooms will require more time for the installation process, which then results in a greater cost upfront. 

Before beginning the project, be sure to talk with us and we’ll get you an estimate for labor costs, materials, and permitting fees in their price.

Keep in mind, too, that while upfront costs are typically more for tankless water heaters than their tank-style counterparts, the energy savings overtime usually results in these being a more cost-effective choice in the long run.

What Are Some Common Myths About Tankless Water Heaters?

Tankless water heaters are a great way to save money and energy, yet many people still hesitate to make the switch due to various misconceptions.

They’re Too Expensive

One common myth is that tankless water heaters are too expensive or too complicated to install. While they may be more initially costly than traditional tanks, tankless water heaters have been proven to reduce energy bills, as well as reduce long-term maintenance costs. In some cases, they also take less time and materials to install than traditional tanks.

So, while this myth is partially true (they are typically more expensive to install than tank-style options), the money you save on energy and water costs over time simply cannot be ignored.

They Can’t Keep Up

Another common misunderstanding is that tankless water heaters cannot keep up with a large household’s hot water needs. While it’s true that their flow rate may not satisfy larger households, most provide an endless supply of hot water so you never have to worry about running out during peak times. It’s all about finding the right system for your needs, so be sure to talk with us about which model and size would be right for you, if this is a concern.

They’re Only Suitable for Warmer Climates

Tankless water heaters can work efficiently in any climate, including cold climates. However, if you live in a colder climate, you may need to install a larger unit or multiple units to meet your hot water needs during the winter months. Also, if you tend to experience colder winters (like we do here in Northern VA), then be sure your water heater is stored somewhere in the home – not in a garage or exposed crawl space.

What Are the Environmental Impacts of Tankless Water Heaters?

Tankless water heaters are an increasingly popular choice for households looking to save on their energy bills… but how do they affect the environment? 

These innovative systems are known for using less energy than conventional tank systems since they heat water on-demand – and avoid the standing losses associated with large tanks of hot water.

Perhaps most significantly, though, tankless water heaters will produce fewer carbon emissions since they can run off renewable resources, like solar power, avoiding fossil fuels. 

Other environmental-related pros:

Since these units are compact and take up less space than tank-style systems, this reduces the amount of materials needed for construction and installation. 

They have a longer lifespan than traditional options, reducing the number of units that need to be manufactured and disposed of over time – and they take up less space in landfills.

Many tankless systems are made of recyclable materials which, again, helps to reduce waste in landfills, and it minimizes the environmental impact of production too.

Overall, tankless water heaters are an environmentally friendly and cost-efficient way to provide hot water for households. If you’re worried about their impact on your carbon footprint… don’t.

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Are There Any Potential Safety Hazards With Tankless Water Heaters?

Tankless water heaters are efficient and reliable, yes. But, like with any appliance, there are potential safety hazards that must be taken into account too. Some of these include the risk of fire, carbon monoxide poisoning, and electric shock. In addition, improper installation can create issues if proper ventilation isn’t provided for combustion byproducts. 

The good news is that most issues can be avoided if a professional is trusted for installation and maintenance from the very start.

This is why it’s important to consult Winston’s Chimney Services for it all. We’re certified professionals in the venting industry and can assess your specific needs, install the tankless water heater safely and correctly, and follow up with any repairs or maintenance, as needed. We follow all manufacturer instructions which helps to limit risks, as well. 

All in all, while tankless water heaters offer benefits in terms of energy savings, it’s essential to consider any potential safety hazards before use and make sure you have the right company doing the installation for you.

How Much Money Can I Expect to Save Over Time With a Tankless Water Heater?

We’ve said it time and time again – while tankless water heaters cost more upfront, their money savings over time is undeniable. Homeowners can look forward to significant cost savings with a tankless water heater as they are very energy-efficient, only heating water when it’s needed.

This differs drastically from storage water heaters that continuously use energy to store and reheat huge volumes of water over periods of time. 

But how much can you actually save?

On average, homeowners who switch from traditional tank hot water systems to a much more efficient and economical tankless system can expect to save up to 30% on their energy bills throughout their lifespan. That’s a significant jump! If you’re ready to start enjoying this benefit, reach out to our team today.

Why Let Winston’s Install Your New Tankless Gas Water Heater?

Okay, so you know the many benefits of upgrading to a tankless system, and it’s clear that the Navien NPE-A tankless gas water heater is the best of the best. And now… you’re ready to let it change your life for the better! But who should you hire to complete the installation?

Experience matters, because with anything, you want to ensure the job is done right. Which is why we urge homeowners in the Northern VA area to trust the crew here at Winston’s Chimney Service with the job. 

How much experience do we have? Well, our master gas fitter has installed over 3,000 tankless gas water heaters in the past 15 years. That averages out to around 200 a year… So, to answer your question – a lot. With experience like that, you can bet the installation will be done quickly, professionally, and correctly. We guarantee it.

Give Us a Call To Get Started

If you’re tired of playing the waiting game and you’ve taken one too many cold showers, give us a call at 703-379-5006 or book online, and let us know that you’re ready to go tankless. We’re happy to help!


We’re proud to offer quality tankless water heater, fireplace, dryer vent, and chimney services… Ask about our financing options today!

Winston's Chimney Service
11301 Industrial Road
Manassas, VA 20109