Gas Fireplace Services
Whether you need a repair or installation, your team at Winston’s Chimney Service has your back before the cold weather comes.
Already Have a Fireplace?
You could have any of these issues if your gas fireplace is not inspected, cleaned, and cleared for use.
- Gas fireplace won’t start.
- The light isn’t working.
- The gas fireplace smells.
- There’s an abundance of soot.
You may think these are small problems, but often times there is a larger issue at hand. The problem could be bigger than not being able to use your gas fireplace on the first night of fall. The root of the problem may put your home and family at risk.
You Want a Gas Fireplace or Insert Installed in Your Home
Whether you want something brand new or an update, your team at Winston’s has your covered. Check out your options below!
If you have a factory-built fireplace that has come to the end of its safe service life, we can replace that as well. Today more than ever before, the options you have are vast. The old and cumbersome wood stoves have been replaced by newer, sleeker more efficient EPA-rated units that will generate enough heat to warm larger portions of your home than ever before and the installation can be done in just one day.
If your home has a factory-built fireplace, also known as a ‘pre-fab’, which is a metal fireplace unit and a metal chimney surrounded by a wood framed chase commonly covered by wood or vinyl siding, you have many choices for replacement purposes. There are styles that look more like a traditional masonry fireplace as well as Built In Stoves (BIS) that are designed to increase heat output and to be installed in a wood framed wall just like your existing fireplace.