Have you worked with a chimney company, only to find yourself feeling uneasy about their suggested maintenance services and price points? This is a common scenario and, if you’re not well-versed in fireplace and chimney terms or anatomy, it may be hard to know what to...
Summer is nearing the end, which means the cold weather months will be here before we know it. For homeowners with a fireplace this may be exciting news. Once fall and winter hit, the fireplace will be put to good use, heating the home and offering a cozy and...
The sensory experiences that your older masonry fireplace gives are hard to beat – crackling flames, the smell of burning wood, that radiant heat… Well, sometimes you get that heat. Other times, it seems it all goes up the chimney. Unfortunately, older...
Removing ashes from your stove or fireplace is an important routine maintenance task that is necessary to keep your heating appliance working properly. If you use your fireplace or stove on a daily basis during the winter, you should dispose of ashes once a week. You...
Outdoorsmen, Boy Scouts, and Native Americans have been building these fires all along; they are called top down fires. The way you may have been taught is the log cabin method with the kindling under the grate with some newspaper and the bigger logs on the grate. You...